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BT Manchester Staff |
www.btmrstaff.co.uk |
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Farewell Howie Nixon | |
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Hi From BT MR Staff, | |
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Ken Monaghan, Dave Caddick and many others have been in touch with us about sad news of Howards death.
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Howard worked in many places including Blackfriars and Collyhurst exchanges, and then on various jobs in Dial House.
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He was a very popular and friendly, and was a regular attender of the Shamaholics (first Thursday of the month at the Sahmbles) get togethers.
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Howard died unexpectedly after watching a football match on 5th December.
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Howie's funeral arrangements:-
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Monday the 7th January at 1:00 pm
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Blackley Crematorium
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Victoria Avenue
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M9 8JP
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Any donations will go to The British Heart Foundation.
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Again please circulate this email within BT and Openreach, due to delivery issues.
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Message dated: Thu 20 Dec 2018 | |
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