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BT Manchester Staff |
www.btmrstaff.co.uk |
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Summer's arrived! | |
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Hi From BT MR Staff, | |
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Well it finally looks like summer has arrived at last!
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So I'll keep it short, you don't want to be sat in front of a computer on a day like this.
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Charity Donation
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Our 2012 Renuion raised £600 which was donated to, Macmillan Cancer Support.
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Sarah Wren from Macmillan wrote to thank us for the donation, she went on to say,
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'Because of your generosity we will be able to reach more people and their families'.
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Any More Photos
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We have 75 photos on the website from the reunion, click here to see them.
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If you are still holding on to photos why not share them? email them to me
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at graham.whiteside@btmrstaff.co.uk or click the 'Upload' button at the top of the photo section.
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Hows Your Profile?
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The most requested feature from our members is to be able to find contact details for other members.
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The first stage of this facility is ready to go now! Visit the website and click the new 'Login' button.
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Enter you email and password and it will take you to your own profile page.
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You can upload a photo and add some interesting details if you like. You can also opt out if you wish,
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to do this click 'Edit details' and set 'members can see me' to 'No' then click 'Save all' this will hide
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you from other members. You can also take the less drastic step of hiding your email address.
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If you have any problems or questions click on the 'Contact us' button or email me at graham.whiteside@btmrstaff.co.uk.
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The 'Browse' and 'Search' buttons will go live soon. We are allowing time for members that wish to
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remain anonymous to opt out. I'll drop another email out when it goes fully live.
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Well that's about it. ..... Enjoy the summer, it may not last.
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Regards Graham Whiteside
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Message dated: Sat 26 May 2012 | |
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